Friday, July 13, 2018

Pregnancy Massage Is Safe When Performed By Professional Massage Therapists!

An ailing back, a heavy belly, an emotional rollercoaster, mixed feeling, mood swing – welcome to pregnancy! Pregnancy is a painful pleasure and the only way to get rid of the pain associated with this phase is to get the Pregnancy massage since no pain medication is safe to take during this period.

However, women still wonder is Pregnancy massage safe to relive the physical and mental stressors? The answer is a big yes. Pregnancy massage has been proved to provide many benefits not only to the pregnant woman but also to the fetus. These benefits include a sense of wellness, better sleep, and improved relaxation and many more.

So no doubt pregnancy massage can benefit the pregnant lady in many ways but beware before you finalize your decision of getting the pregnancy massage. Be sure to get in touch with a professional massage therapist only every time you need getting this treatment because on one place where this massage can benefit the mom-would-be, on the other it can harm the unborn baby in many ways when not performed properly. Certain techniques and trigger points in the body can cause contractions, premature labor and other serious problems, so seeking the expertise of a professional massage therapist is vitally crucial for the health of mom and baby as well.

Pregnancy massages

Why to contact a massage therapist?
Pregnancy is a pleasant phase full of so much excitement to receive the bundle of joy after delivery. So, you will never want to take any sort of risk to hurt your little angel who has not even opened his/her eyes in the world. Isn’t it? Getting yourself massaged by an amateur or by the one who is not well trained or skilled in doing the massage is just like to invite the troubles and playing with the health of you and your baby, why to take this risk when professional massage therapists are there to help you out. Pregnancy massage is a specialized certification and massage therapists who are licensed to perform this procedure receive advanced education in safe techniques for pregnant women. So, if you truly love you and your baby, count on the expertise of professionals only.

Points to keep in mind -

Before you schedule a massage session at any point in your pregnancy, talk to your doctor if you have any of the following issues
  • High-risk pregnancy concerns, such preeclampsia or congenital heart disease.
  • High blood pressure that is not controlled by medication.
  • Recent organ transplant
  • Recent injury or surgery

It is safe to have weekly pregnancymassages as long as you don’t have a condition that could put you or your baby at risk. Before you schedule a session, don’t forget to contact with your doctor to discuss your personal risk factors or to get clearance to enjoy a pregnancy massage.